Portfolio Analysis
Having the correct asset allocation is paramount to meeting your financial goals, yet many advisors don’t adjust their client’s portfolio to keep up with the ever-changing investment landscape.
Over the past several years we have had many new clients come to us with their existing portfolios, that have not been tended too. A common problem we see is an increased number of stagnant portfolios, which are holding investments that performed well in the past but have under performed lately.
At Elite Private Wealth we conduct a portfolio analysis every year to ensure that your investments are performing well and meeting your financial goals. We provide our clients with a detailed report comparing your current portfolio to the benchmark, and we do our best to actively make changes to our client’s portfolios to ensure they are staying ahead, and within their risk tolerance, in this fast-paced investment world.
If you are not happy with your portfolio or feel you can do better, then contact us today for a financial checkup. We will analyze your portfolio and inform you if we believe it is meeting your current goals. You can reach us at 905-707-5620 or by email: info@eliteprivatewealth.com.
Give us a call today at 905-707-5620 to learn how our dedicated team can build a stellar portfolio to keep you secure well into retirement.
How are We different?
maximize your income and unlock piece of mind in easy steps

Fee Based Asset Management
Benefit from increased transparency and lower investment fees by negotiating the fees you pay for advice

Portfolio Analysis
After careful analysis of your goals we build portfolio aimed at reducing risk and improving performance

Working with a CFP®
The Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) designation has been recognized as the standard for financial planning.